Sunday, 30 June 2013

Your Skin and the Sun!

Hey Everybody,
How have you guys been and i really hope lines are falling in pleasant places. I want to say a big THANK YOU for those that have contributed to the blog so far. Your comments,messages,pings have really been encouraging and i truly truly appreciate you guys. Please do not forget to join the site;you can do this through yahoo as GFC(Google Friends Connect)will be shutting down 1st of July,you can also follow via bloglovin which is very straight forward. All you need to do is sign up with bloglovin.

Yes,back to the topic.

Have you guys ever wondered when you see some people(women especially)that  have this large scar at the upper right of their faces and you begin to wonder if its AMIN ORUN (birth mark) or something. My people,ponder no more,it is simply a scar called SUNBURN. It is the term for red, sometimes swollen and painful skin. It is caused by overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun. SUNBURN can vary from mild to severe. The extent depends on skin type and amount of exposure to the sun. Sunburn is a serious risk factor for SKIN CANCER and for sun damage.Kindly note that it is not only on faces,it could be your arms,neck or backs.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Knock Knock......

Hello Everyone,

I cannot believe I'm actually doing this because i have been battling with the thought of actually starting up a blog especially with the fact that everyone  has a blog now and all that; but the questions i get from family, friends and colleagues about different beauty items,trend,food,beauty stores etc has been so alarming that i told myself  ''hey since you have so much information at your disposal which you love sharing, why not just start this for Jesus sakes" and with the inspiration from the HOLYSPIRIT, encouragements from my SURE BOY and my friends- Ola,Yemog,Rosemary; here we are.

I must say that over the last three(3) years, i have been following some blogs which i do not only find interesting but i also find them inspiring;they have indeed contributed to helping me start up on this platform and  as time goes on, i will introduce these lovely ladies to you all. I call them,MY BLOG MENTORS.